Asking for the services of a mediation lawyer
It is not so usual for a disagreement to spin out of control and devolve into formal notices and lawsuits. A dispute between neighbours, a clash between business partners, an unfair discharge or a hidden defect in goods purchased are all common events that require the services of an expert like a lawyer specialized in civil and commercial mediation. Civil and commercial mediation unlocks many advantages that can resolve conflicts in a civilized manner.
- If a case goes to court, the judge’s decision always favours one party over the other, but mediation frequently achieves results that work satisfactorily for both sides.
- The case remains strictly confidential, as opposed to a case that makes it to court.
- Both parties can maintain a cordial relationship after mediation, which is essential in situations where both parties are also parents or neighbours, or do business together in some way.
- You can expect a dispute resolution to take less time and to be less costly if you reach out to an expert like a civil and commercial mediation lawyer instead of taking the matter to a judge.
A lawyer specialized in civil and commercial mediation is a professional who is certified by the Bar of the province of Quebec, extremely well-versed in legal concepts and bound by the same ethics guidelines as any certified lawyer. On top of these, they are also trained in negotiation and mediation techniques. By remaining neutral, they apply their legal knowledge to help both parties make the most reasonable decisions. The lawyer can advise all parties and lead them to an agreement that will satisfy all.
Mediation is a service offered by the Small Claims Division of the Court of Quebec that allows both parties to settle their dispute through an agreement negotiated by a lawyer specialized in civil and commercial mediation or in workplace mediation. This lawyer has been trained in a special program offered by the Bar of the province of Quebec.
This is a way to resolve disputes that relies on reasonable negotiation and a tried and tested mediation process. The lawyer specialized in mediation can therefore lead you to a bulletproof agreement, through a process that is both confidential and informal.
If a settlement or an agreement is being renewed, it is advisable to have the details of previous and upcoming agreements examined by an independent mediation lawyer. Ghislaine Hardy can offer valuable legal advice in such cases and carefully look over agreements that have expired.
People involved in a legal or mediation process sometimes need to be guided by a professional who will look out for their best interest while maintaining an impartial view of the dispute. That is something that Ghislaine Hardy, mediation lawyer, has been doing carefully and efficiently.
Ghislaine Hardy, mediation lawyer, can welcome you in her offices or meet you in the location of your choice, provided the location is quiet and conducive to a constructive consultation. Additional charges may apply for these visits.
She can also refer you to a wide variety of skilled professionals who can help you navigate stormy legal waters. Ghislaine Hardy, mediation lawyer, is an empathetic and respectful partner who will help you find the light at the end of the tunnel.